Geek - loves a tinfoil hat

Xmas party 2019

They say a picture paints a thousand words … and these pictures certainly help sum up a fabulous night at Avanti. We took over the whole restaurant, which is a good thing as I’m not sure other customers would have been as entertained by the minute to win it games…

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There’s always time for a first….

Benson Striders, until today, had never been part of the Oxfordshire Cross Country League. Following feedback it’s something the committee have been looking into joining. In order to become part of the League Benson Striders have been invited to run with the League as Guests for this season. So for…

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Alice R conquers her first ultra at RTTS

Huge congrats to Alice R who completed the 50KM Race to the Stones on the 13th July. Alice always said she would never do an ultra (who else has said that??) and then attended our fab ultra lunatics talk last year and after hearing Donal talk about his experience of…

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Congrats to our latest C25K graduates

On Saturday 20th July we celebrated our latest cohort of Couch to 5K runners graduating. Led by the fabulous and encouraging Lindsey Stark the group all completed their 5K and the club celebrated with coffee and brunch at the Cartshed after. Despite a fear of “always being at the back”…

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London Marathon 2019 – Dee Bryson

I was the person that said ‘I’m never running a marathon’, but hey I’ve now done two! This has been as a direct result of being inspired by those in the club who have conquered the distance. I had an early start on the day up at 4.30, to catch…

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Easter Running 2019

The weather was glorious this weekend and the club Strava feed was full of runs with happy titles after Saturday’s club runs. “Sunny run, including a paddle” “Saturday Sun run” “Lovely morning river run” “Stunning morning for a run” “7k with Striders ☀️” I particularly liked these pictures from the…

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